Women with broad hips are healthier
Goteborgs-Posten newspaper juin 2001 p.?

Sujet: Rondeurs égales santé Youpi!

On peut y lire:

Stockholm (dpa) - Women with wide hips are healthier and live longer than slimmer females, according to results of a new Swedish study reported in the Goteborgs-Posten newspaper on Tuesday.

A comparative study of the health and mortality rate of 1,462 women in the western city of Gothenburg showed clear differences between wide-hipped and narrow-hipped females, the newspaper said.

The women were divided into four sub groups according to hip width, and the results were adjusted for such factors as age, smoking habits and BMI (body mass index) or waist size.

Comparing the sub groups, researchers found major differences in both disease susceptibility and death rate. The risk of developing diabetes, or cardiovascular disease was significantly lower for women with wide hips.

The mortality rate was also lower for women with broader hips, although the tendency was not as marked as for disease susceptibility.

Many earlier studies have shown a clear connection between abdominal fat and diabetes and heart ailments in both men and women, while hip measurements have been overlooked by investigators.

Laureen Lissner, the researcher in charge of the latest study, said that much important health information may have been lost.

"For women, hip measurement may be more important than abdominal size. The factors favouring the health of women with wide hips are not fully understood today, nor why small hips should be a significant negative factor," Lissner was quoted as saying.


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Mon commentaire

Étude très très intéressante, j'aime cela. Ce qui prouve que la nature est bien faite. En effet, si la nature a voulu que la femme ait des hanches larges et des rondeurs, c'est que c'est bien ainsi.

La nature a comme mission de tout faire pour que nous pussions survivre le plus longtemps possible. Il serait illogique de penser que ce que la nature a prévu comme caractéristiques physiques chez la femme deviendraient un facteur de risque qui lui provoquerait une maladie et qui raccourcirait sa vie.

Vos hanches larges et vos rondeurs vous permettent d'être non pas seulement en santé physique mais aussi en santé mentale. Le plus beau cadeau que la nature vous a fait, sont vos rondeurs. Vos rondeurs sont une merveille de la nature. La meilleure façon d'être en santé, c'est d'être en encore avec votre propre nature.

Commentaire fait par José Breton

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