Lutte contre les virus au Brésil

Une femme faisant fiasant vaciner son fils contre la fièvre jaune.

Texte venant avec la photo :
Scared but holding steady, a Brazilain boy offers his arm for vaccination against the mosquitoborne yellow fever virus. Bringing misery to the vulnerable, viruse cause diseases ranging from the common cold and measles to hepatitis and AIDS. Viruses appear to infect all living things - yet are not quite alive themselves. Particles of genetic material - the essence of life - they lie as insert as the dead until an opportunity arises to invade a host.

Une femme qui allaite ses enfants les aides à se prémunir contre les maladies infectueuses.

Texte venant avec la photo :
Tough problem, simple solution
Mother's milk, rich in antibodies, pumps Brazilan twins full of protection against a multitude of diseases - many caused by viruses - while their own immune systems gain strength.

Breast-feeding also eliminates the need for powdered formula, which infects infants with a diarrhea-causing rotavirus if mixed with contaminated water. Rotaviruses kill about a million children worldwide each year.

Clean water does not reach every home in the twin's section of Belém. Collection from in the water main can easily lead to contamination.

Photos tirées de la revue National Géographic, Vol. 186, no.1 July 1994 en page 59 - Viruses - On the Edge of Life - On the edge of Death

Photos prises sur

La carte du Brésil
Situation de l'endémie amarile (fièvre jaune)
Tout sur la fièvre jaune
L’allaitement des jumeaux
Les avantages de l'allaitement
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Photos sur l'allaitement en tandem

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