
Photos tirées de la revue National Géographic, Vol. 190, no.5 November 1996 en page 130 - Flashback

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From the Geogarphic archives.
When Editor Gilbert H. Grosvenor published photograhs of unclad Philippine women in 1903, he said the pictures were "a true reflection of the customs of times in those islands." So was this photo of Marquesan chief, in cape of human hair taken from enemy dead, and his companions. But it was not selected for our October 1919 article "A Vanishing Poeple of South Seas : The Tragic Fate of the Marquesan Cannibals, Noted for their Warlike Courage and Physical Beauty." Botanist Joseph Banks missed visiting the Marquesas Islands on Captain Cook's second voyage in 1772, having quit in a dispute over the size of his quarters.

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