Weight Watchers is a fraud
You only get fatter
Globe magazine du 24 décembre 2002 page 4

Sujet: Enfin un début 

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Weight Watchers scandal  

The giant diet company Weight Watchers is caught up in a shocking scandal involving a nutrition expert who charges that the idea of losing pounds by dieting is a sham!

"Compagnies like Weight Wacthers sell you idea that your life will become a whole lot better if you join them, " claims Susie Orbach of Anybody, a 20-member group that believes dieting is dangerous to your health. "What they don't tell you is that dieting ruins your metabolism.

"People should eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Our message is that diets don't work."

The 55-year-old Orbach, who once treated Princess Diana for bulimia, is planning a monster lawsuit against Weight Watchers and has linked up with groups in the U.S.

She says, "We intend to represent thousands of women and men who have paid hundreds of dollars to Weight Watchers only to find they have ended up fatter than before they embarked on its program."

The author of Susie Orbach On Eating intends to clobber  the American firm - which uses Prince Andrew's ex-wife Fergie as spokeswoman.

"We've been offered the services of lawyers, " she says. "And there are lots of disgruntled ex-members of Weight Watchers who want to offer financial support.

Although Orbach claims that up to 97 percent of Weight Watchers clients regain any weight they lose, that's not Fergie's experience. The flame haired royal, who had a weight problem in the past, has claimed in commercials that she lost more than 30 pounds in four months under Weight Watchers and is now a size 10.

"Just look at me," she told a pal. "I'm living proof that Weight Watchers works. They used to call me the Duchess of Pork. Now, the same guys who insulted me give me wolf whistles."

The royal redhead earns $1 million a year working for the company and has authored a Weight Watchers book, Win the Weight Game (Simon & Schuster). And Fergie's not the only celeb who has sung the praises of the program that teaches clients to cut down on their portions and inspires them to stay on their diet at weekly meetings.

Actress Lynn Redgrave, who played a pudgy gal finding love in the 1966 movie Georgie's Girl, acted as the company's spokeswoman from 1983 to 1991. She was so proud of her slimmer shape, she took up sunbathing in the nude.

TV newsgal Kathleen Sullivan had the job from 1994 to 1995, claiming she lost 17 pounds in five months and was able to slip comfortably into a pair of size 6 jeans.

The only gains Weight Watchers admits to is the reported $190 million it made for the three months from July to September this year!

But Orbach charges that not only do Weight Watchers clients put the pounds back on after completing the program they even get fatter.

"If people believe it woks, then they should know that it works only for 3 out of every 100," she says.

The nutrition expert also complains that the company uses those who are successful at losing the weight to mislead the public.

"The relatively few people who do lose weight permanently can be claimed as a victory and photographed for publicity purposes, " Orbach says.

One former Weight Watchers client, Mandy Vickerman, 46, claims the program hooked her into the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting. Her weight eventually soared to 280 pounds. Desperate, Mandy  finally paid more than $10,000 to have her stomach stapled. Now, 11 months later, she's down to 133 pounds.

Meanwhile, a Weight Watchers spokeswoman denied Orbach's charges.

"We are company designed to teach people to keep the weight off long term," he says. "Once they reach their goal, they are not abandoned. As long as they stay within five pounds of the weight, they can receive our services and support free of charge to ensure they maintain that weight.

And Fergie also stands behind the plan, say sources. "Weight Watchers helped Fergie lose her weight slowly and sensibly and keep it off for a couple of year," says an insider.

Meanwhile, Orbach admits people can peel off pounds using Weight Watchers, but she insists that program doesn't work over the long haul.

"It's certainly true that people do lose weight with Weight Watchers," she says. "The problem is that they quickly put it back on again,"

The reason, she says, is that when people eat less, their metabolism slows down. And when dieters begin eating larger, normal amounts again, their "metabolism continues to operate at the slower rate and they start to regain weight," she says.

"This leads to the 'yo-yo effect' - a vicious cycle of weight gain and weight loss. If the (diet) plans really actually worked, members would have to sign up only once.

"Instead, they find themselves returning to the company's products and promises time and again."

Thousands of Americans say it works for them

On any given week, thousands of people flock to Weight Watchers meetings seeking help in their personal battles of bulge.

The company celebrates its 40th year in the diet business next month. In those decades, it has helped millions and millions of Americans peel off pounds and keep says. Linda Carilli, public relations general manager for Weight Watchers International. The cost per months is about $12 a week, she estimates.

"To lose weight, the reality is you need to eat less and be more active", Carilli tells Globe. "It is a lifestyle process. And people do much better at losing the weight and keeping it off when they go to the meetings."

Fergie is one of the program's success stories, says Carilli, which is why the royal is also and ideal pictchwoman. "She's looking and feeling better than ever," says Carilli.

As for Susie Orbach's claims that the program works only for a tiny few, Carilli says, "I have no idea where she's getting her figures."

Carilli belivies Orbach, who once worked with Princess Diana, has lauched her crusade against Weight Watchers as a publicity stunt.

"When you've been at the side of Princess Diana, for some time and suddenly that's not happening - she needs something to put herself back in the new."

Carilli believes that Orbach's campaign is doing more harm than good.

"The bottom line is we have such a problem with obesity," she explains. "We have got to be encouraging people to try and lose weight. We should not be bashing weight loss in this country."

Mon commentaire

Nous savons depuis longtemps que les diètes ne fonctionnement pas. Car nous savons tous aussi la raison qui est reconnue et documentée scientifiquement. Ainsi, tous les régimes amaigrissants, y compris le brochage d'estomac, font abaisser le métabolisme de base. Plus tu abaisses ton  métabolisme de base, plus tu reprends du poids rapidement et toujours un peu plus à la fois. 

Donc, aucune entreprise d'amaigrissement peut garantir et alléger dans leur publicité que leur méthode permet ne de pas reprendre le poids perdu. Toutes ces entreprises agissent frauduleusement, parce qu'elles cachent ce fait ou cette vérité. 

Ils font tous de la fausse représentation.
Ils font tous de fausses promesses.
Ils laissent prétendre faussement que leur méthode est vraiment efficace. 

Le pire dans cette situation, c'est que les femmes pensent que c'est de leur faute si la méthode Weight Watchers n'a pas fonctionné avec elles, parce que l'efficacité de leur méthode n'est pas critiquée et remise en question dans les médias.

À cause de cette culpabilité, les femmes victimes de l'industrie de l'amaigrissement n'ont pas le réflexe de se plaindre et de dénoncer. C'est les seules victimes d'activités frauduleuses qui ont de la difficulté à réaliser qu'elles sont victimes d'une arnaque. Cela en raison, du fait que le business des régimes est la seule arnaque valorisée par la société. Ils contribuent  à la réduction de la pandémie de l'obésité, semble-t-il.

La rondeur féminine constitue un péché mortel. 

On pousse la bêtise jusqu'à poursuivre en justice les restaurants de fast foods, en les accusant d'être responsables de la propagation du péché. En contre-partie, la société ferme les yeux sur la fraude de l'industrie de l'amaigrissement qui soutire des milliards de dollars des poches des femmes. 

Que des femmes perdent de l'argent et leur santé dans des régimes, cela ne dérange personne.

Pourquoi l'escroquerie de Weight Watchers, de Mincavi, de certains toubibs , etc. ont le bénéfice du doute ? Parce qu'aucune femme, porte plainte, par conséquent, la population en général pense que leurs clientes sont toutes satisfaites et que leur méthode est vraiment efficace. Leur succès tient au silence de leurs victimes..

La Mme Carilli peut se permettre d'affirmer n'importe quoi sur la satisfaction de leurs clientèles. Car, ils ne tiennent pas de statistiques sur le pourcentage de succès. 

Nous avons tous une responsabilité sociale de dénoncer les activités frauduleuses des entreprises d'amaigrissement et surtout celles qui en ont été victimes. Vous ne pouvez laisser votre voisine se faire avoir comme vous. Brisez le silence, écrivez-moi votre expérience avec les Weight Watchers que je placerai sur mon site Web.

En brisant le silence, vous allez arrêter d'être complice indirect de cette supercherie.


Commentaire fait par José Breton

Complément d'information :

Globe magazine

Susie Orbach has identified ... now looking for ways to take legal action against Weight Watchers

Susie Orbach takes on the diet industry

Weight Watchers is founded in

Diet industry blamed for obese society

Welcome to WeightWatchers.com

Le cas Weight Watchers
Les profits de Weight Watchers prennent du poids

Allégements fiscaux pour les obèses

La cas de Fergie
Fergie: fat chance of me being skinny

Fergie : The toe must on! 

Fergie's diet pill scare  

Duchess Bares Terrible Truth About Compulsive Gorging - Fergie's hellish battle against eating disorder - and why her kids are already on special diet

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