Robert Lusting A man at war with sugar Fructose is a poison FUCK YOU Furctose is the cause of the current epidemic FUCK YOU Is the cause of the current epidemic of the metabolic syndrome FUCK YOU Is sugar good for us ? FUCK YOU Do you need sugar to live ? FUCK YOU Is it necessary ? Is there any even one reaction in your body that actual require fructose ? Robert Lusting guru anti-sugar FUCK YOU ZERO! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU you you you! Your liver turn into fat FUCK YOU It ends up mucking up of the working of the liver causes all the chronic metabolic disease we know about FUCK YOU Type 2 diabetes, liput problems, cardiovascular disease, Hypertension, cancer dementia FUCK YOU So FUCK YOU ALL Robert Lustig and his devotees FUCK YOU ALL Robert Lustig and his followers FUCK YOU ALL Comments Robert Lustig is the leader of the new trend against sugar. He thinks that it is the solution against epidemic obesity. His strategy is to scare people with the so-called danger of sugar. It is an extremist who uses demagogy without embarrassment. All anti-obesity fanatics are in awe of him. He is like a guru for nutritionists, doctors, psychologists and physical educators who believe in the war against obesity. The war against sugar is very bad for women. It is a cause of the Eating disorders.
![]() Links : No, sugar is not the new heroin Dr Robert Lustig : "Le sucre a tous les critères d'une substance toxique et addictive" Society Opinion The pursuit of pleasure is a modern-day addiction Robert Lustig ??? Robert Lusting guru anti-sugar Plainte contre Olivier Bernard pour avoir exprimer l'idée que le sucre n'est pas bon pour la santé Plainte fait contre Olivier Bernard pour avoir dit une fausseté à l'émission Tout le monde en parle Plainte contre le service des nouvelles de radio-canada pour propagande honteuse Plainte contre Les années lumières du 16 août 2015 « Coca-Cola, sucre et éthique » Plainte contre l'émission l'Épicerie du 1 juillet 2015 - Santé, le sirop d'agave? Plainte contre l'émission « Les années lumières » du 16 mars 2014 Radio-Canada plainte contre l'émission l'épicerie du mercredi 26 septembre 2012 EKTOMORF - FUCK YOU ALL !!! (lyrics)
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